Getting Started: Quick Setup for GXT 3 (includes reset.css link how to)
STEP 1 -> Create a Google Web Application Project project within Eclipse.
1a. Get Ext GWT
Download the latest Ext GWT release
(Note: GXT 3.X requires GWT 2.4+.)
1b. Get GWT Running
For detailed instructions for getting started with the GWT SDK:
For a quick start guide for the Google Plugin for Eclipse:
1c. Create a User Defined Library
Select Windows > Preferences and select Java > Build Path > User Libraries in the preference tree.
Click New and type "GXT" into the User library name field. Make sure your new library is selected and click "Add JARs". Navigate to the root folder of the Ext GWT download and add the "gxt.jar" file. Click OK. (Optional; If you prefer seeing jars in the build path rather than a user library, you can just click "Add External JARs" instead.)
STEP 2 -> Make the following changes to your host HTML page
2a. GXT 3.X requires a strict dtd. Add either of these as the first line in the host page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
2b. Add a stylesheet link to reset.css and ensure it is the first referenced stylesheet:
Update; now in GXT 3.x you can use the following to include the reset css;
<!-- GXT Stylesheet -->
<stylesheet src="reset.css" />
For older 3.x versions you made need to use the following;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{module name}/reset.css" />
So in eclipse if you project is named "MyProject":
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="MyProject/reset.css" />
Ext GWT Development Team Colin Alworth Says:
In your module file (ends in .gwt.xml) you might have a rename-to attribute - if so, that is the name of the module. This is the folder in which the modulename.cache.js file is created, along with other things like a hosted.html file, and eventually several <giant-hash-name>.cache.html files. If you don't specify a rename-to, it will default to the path to your module. So a module file at com/my/project/MyProject.gwt.xml will be, and the css file will be loaded like this:<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
2c. Add gxt-3.X.X.jar to the project directly from the downloaded zip.
a. Right click on project name in 'Package Explorer'.
b. Select 'Properties' from the content menu.
c. Select 'Java Build Path'.
d. Select 'Libraries' tab.
e. Add the gxt-3.X.X.jar either with 'Add JARs...' or 'Add External JARs...'.
(Optional - if you have created a User Library earlier on you can add the User Library you created instead)
2d. Add GXT jar to launch configuration.
a. Choose Run / Open Run Dialog.
b. Select your appropriate launch configuration under 'Java Application'.
c. Select the 'Classpath' tab.
d. Add the gxt-3.X.X.jar to the classpath under 'User Entries'.
3a. Add the following entry to your project's module xml file.
<inherits name='com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT'/>
This inherits all GXT modules. As an alternative, individual GXT modules can be inherited rather than inheriting all modules, but this is the easiest way to get started, and covers most of the default cases.
3b. Comment out GWT Theme
Optional: If you used the GWT template code comment out the following to remove page margins;
<inherits name=''/>
4. Optional If using Maven for project and dependency managemen
If using Maven for project and dependency management, Sencha GXT artifacts are available in several ways. To get the commercially licensed releases, you will need to add the following repository section to your pom.xml:
<name>Sencha commercial releases</name>
For GPLv3 licensed jars, you may use maven central.
There are several artifacts available:
a. gxt-release - A zip of the release, similar to how GXT was released before 3.0
b. gxt - The core component and data classes
c. gxt-charts - The new drawing and charting API
d. gxt-legacy - Classes to ease porting projects from earlier GXT versions
c. uibinder-bridge - Optional support to allow complete construction of non Widget types
using <ui:with> in UiBinder XML. Will not be required when Google releases 2.5
Please note;
I will be updating this post as and when I discover other handy Ext GWT 3 setup hints and information. So please leave a comment if you have a question or an amendment.
For a more detailed guide to getting started with the Eclipse and GXT 3 I recommend this one;
useful manual about getting started with maven and GXT 3.x:
ReplyDeleteThanks Slendrew. That's also a very handy resource. I've booked marked this :)
ReplyDeletehow to use the desktop application (exist in exemple gxt 3.1.0)
ReplyDeleteI think I got the desktop work before, its similar to how you get the examples to work;
except you should inherit the desktop module instead of the example module in your project xml. Also I there may be extra jars you will need, hopefully eclipse will give you an error about which jars are missing and then you need to google them to find the right ones.
That's all I can remember about it right now, though there might be more to it i hope this helps as a hint in the right direction
My project do not compile...
ReplyDeleteThrows error like "[ERROR] The value ie6 was not previously defined.
[ERROR] Line 96: Unexpected exception while processing element 'set-property' (see previous log entries)" and more... yet i have setup staff properly well.
I am not familiar with the problem. Which version of GXT are you using?
ReplyDeletethere's some stuff about it on stack overflow;