
Showing posts from May, 2012

How to setup GXT 3 examples, samples and demos

Here's how I got the examples that come with GXT 3 working, in six simple steps! 1. Setup a GXT 3 app Setup your Gxt app as shown in the previous post on this blog; Quick Setup for GXT 3 . 2. Add additional jars In addition to the gxt jar there are several other jars that need to be added to the build path; gxt-3.0.0.jar gxt-chart-3.0.0.jar gxt-legacy-3.0.0.jar uibinder-bridge-2.4.0.jar gwt-dev.jar gin-1.5-post-gwt-2.2.jar guice-3.0.jar json-org.jar javax.persistence.jar javax.inject.jar That will fix all of the errors except for 2 in the file, (I'm not sure how to fix that one yet, answers on a post card please. I tried using the  javax.persistence.jar from J2EE / Glassfish modules but this didn't fix it for me, so I just had the methods with errors return null ). 3. Import the examples Select the src folder in your project (eclipse), select "file import" navigate to the examples-src folder inside the gxt 3 download and se...

Getting Started: Quick Setup for GXT 3 (includes reset.css link how to)

STEP 1 -> Create a Google Web Application Project project within Eclipse. 1a. Get Ext GWT Download the latest Ext GWT release (Note: GXT 3.X requires GWT 2.4+.) 1b. Get GWT Running For detailed instructions for getting started with the GWT SDK: For a quick start guide for the Google Plugin for Eclipse: 1c. Create a User Defined Library Select Windows > Preferences and select Java > Build Path > User Libraries in the preference tree. Click New and type "GXT" into the User library name field. Make sure your new library is selected and click "Add JARs". Navigate to the root folder of the Ext GWT download and add the "gxt.jar" file. Click OK. (Optional; If you prefer seeing jars in the build path rather than a user library, you can just click "Add External JARs...