How to setup GXT 3 examples, samples and demos
Here's how I got the examples that come with GXT 3 working, in six simple steps! 1. Setup a GXT 3 app Setup your Gxt app as shown in the previous post on this blog; Quick Setup for GXT 3 . 2. Add additional jars In addition to the gxt jar there are several other jars that need to be added to the build path; gxt-3.0.0.jar gxt-chart-3.0.0.jar gxt-legacy-3.0.0.jar uibinder-bridge-2.4.0.jar gwt-dev.jar gin-1.5-post-gwt-2.2.jar guice-3.0.jar json-org.jar javax.persistence.jar javax.inject.jar That will fix all of the errors except for 2 in the file, (I'm not sure how to fix that one yet, answers on a post card please. I tried using the javax.persistence.jar from J2EE / Glassfish modules but this didn't fix it for me, so I just had the methods with errors return null ). 3. Import the examples Select the src folder in your project (eclipse), select "file import" navigate to the examples-src folder inside the gxt 3 download and se...