How to find and install the GWT Development Plugin from the Chrome Store
The GWT Development Plugin for chrome is now accessible from the google chrome store; Up until recently the Gwt Chrome plugin hadn't been accessible from the chrome store search function. So I had to install the plugin manually using this work around Curtosey of; Quick fix that might help: 1. right click on the chrome icon>Properties>Shortcut 2. add in target: --enable-easy-off-store-extension-install 3. open chrome and navitage to extensions ( chrome://chrome/extensions/ ) 4. drag and drop on it the plugin (should be in your download folder if you tried to install it before and didn't succeed) I Just found out today despite having the plugin installed I was getting a GWT plugin not installed message in chrome. I had to uninstall the GWT developer plugin and then go to the store to look for the plugin. Once again gain I could not find it in th...