
Showing posts from June, 2012

Gxt 3 Theme Guide - Setup a customised theme in Ext GWT 3

1. setup a Gxt project follow the setup instructions,  click here for GXT 3 Getting Started guide ; 2. Copy and rename the 'blue' theme folder From the unzipped gxt download navigate to; src\gxt\com\sencha\gxt\theme  duplicate the folder "blue" and rename it to "modified" 4. import the "modified" folder into your project 4a. (optional) Find and replace in files all occurrances of "" in the source code with com.theme.mod.client.modified (assuming your project package name is com.theme.mod and that you have a directory called"modified" that you are importing into the client package) choose file system import option and under file type select all and add to it, gif,png You'll probably see errors in each imported packages, because the pacakge declaration won't match the name of your project. So, search and replace in files the package declaration in...